Gallery (TIP: Click on each image to see all the photographs for that item) Order by Default Title Date Filename Size Random PDMS_OUR_SHED Order by Default Title Date Filename Size Random Always upgrading machinery Always upgrading machinery Always upgrading machinery Door-in-Container-3 Door-in-Container-4 Door-in-Container-5 Door-in-Container-1 Door-in-Container-7 Meeting room Meeting room Meeting room Layout room Layout room Woodwork Room Woodwork Room Woodwork Room Woodwork Room Metal Work room Metal Work room Open Day 2016 Entrance to shed Entrance to shed Our parking attendants Entrance to shed Entrance to shed Kids play ground Final polish and adjustment "Cuppa" before it all starts yet another "cuppa" Special stance to make computer work Welcoming committee Peter setting up Knock Down Pins Knock down Pins Kids were running to play Jumping castle Jumping castle Shed product for sale more products Shed product for sale I'll have these Torrie our CNC-Router pioneer Shed product for sale Dad and son time Our beautiful shed Our beautiful shed Our marketing manager and his side-kick the sly camera man ready to go Australian Hearing Donalee and our President Family tours through the shed The obligatory "cuppa" in hand Lions receive Honour Board In depth discussion Lions thanks President PDMSInc PUMPKIN Scones .... yummm Our cabinet maker on right Guided tours Happy gang young visitor Prospective members being introduced by our Laurie Inspecting some of the shed projects Some the items made by shed members Coffee / Tea / cakes and lucky door prize were popular Guided tours abound Donalee setting up the next suspect for a hearing test Peace and quiet another prospective member Torrie and Mrs Torrie at the router Restoration project in progress LUNCH Personalized plaque from our Router State MP Dr Geoff Lee discussing pen pricing State MP Dr Geoff Lee discussing pen pricing Donalee purchased this from it's maker ... Robert Winner of the Australian Hearing Lucky Door prize .... Shed _Projects PDMS_Community PDMS_Table PDMS_Jewellry Box PDMS_ Burl Bowl LGSA certificate frames PDMS_Lions_Club_Honour_Board PDMS_Chicken_Coup PDMS_Street Library PDMS_Pallet Tables Westmead Institute Medical Research WIMR-tour-2023-2-3 WIMR-tour-2023-1-3 WIMR-tour-2023-4-3 WIMR-tour-2023-5-2 WIMR-tour-2023-4-2 WIMR-tour-2023-2-2 WIMR-tour-2023-1-2 WIMR-tour-2023-2-1 WIMR-tour-2023-4-1 WIMR-tour-2023-5-1 WIMR-tour-2023-1-1 WIMR tour 2023-1 WIMR tour 2023-3 WIMR tour 2023-2 WIMR tour 2023-5 WIMR tour 2023-4 PDMS_Member_Projects PDMS_Member_Projects