Gallery (TIP: Click on each image to see all the photographs for that item) Order by Default Title Date Filename Size Random PDMS_OUR_SHED Order by Default Title Date Filename Size Random Always upgrading machinery Always upgrading machinery Always upgrading machinery Door-in-Container-3 Door-in-Container-4 Door-in-Container-5 Door-in-Container-1 Door-in-Container-7 Meeting room Meeting room Meeting room Layout room Layout room Woodwork Room Woodwork Room Woodwork Room Woodwork Room Metal Work room Metal Work room Shed_Visitors_and_Events PDMS_Grand_Opening_2014 PDMS_Visitors_to_Shed PDMS_Events Open Day 2015 Open Day 2016 PDMS_Jewellry Box Assembly Cutting and dovetailing Clamping and assembly Fitting lid Making internals Applying felt lining Adding artwork Final finishing Westmead Institute Medical Research WIMR-tour-2023-2-3 WIMR-tour-2023-1-3 WIMR-tour-2023-4-3 WIMR-tour-2023-5-2 WIMR-tour-2023-4-2 WIMR-tour-2023-2-2 WIMR-tour-2023-1-2 WIMR-tour-2023-2-1 WIMR-tour-2023-4-1 WIMR-tour-2023-5-1 WIMR-tour-2023-1-1 WIMR tour 2023-1 WIMR tour 2023-3 WIMR tour 2023-2 WIMR tour 2023-5 WIMR tour 2023-4 PDMS_Member_Projects PDMS_Member_Projects