Gallery (TIP: Click on each image to see all the photographs for that item) Order by Default Title Date Filename Size Random PDMS_Training Order by Default Title Date Filename Size Random First Aid course Completing paperwork First Aid course Completing paperwork First Aid course Rolling injured on their side First Aid course CPR Practice ... First Aid course CPR Practice to perfect the technique First Aid course 201Lunch break for the exhausted ...8-4 First Aid course Gotcha at last .... First Aid course now try and move First Aid course Tying the president in knots First Aid course Your turn First Aid course Try and use the lathe now ... First Aid course Now we are getting serious .... Open Day 2015 Formalities Hearing Australia ... DonaLee Getting ready Shed products on display and for sale NSW State MP Dr Geoff Lee Mingling with the crowd Our mascot Presidential address Courtesy Australian Hearing Dr Geoff Lee roaming Formalities Attentive Dr Geoff Lee presents More formalities DonaLee conducting hearing tests Demonstrations Plane blade sharpening Pen turning Pen turning discussions BBQ for lunch BBQ for lunch Pen turning Thanks for coming Thanks for coming PDMS_Jewellry Box Assembly Cutting and dovetailing Clamping and assembly Fitting lid Making internals Applying felt lining Adding artwork Final finishing Westmead Institute Medical Research WIMR-tour-2023-2-3 WIMR-tour-2023-1-3 WIMR-tour-2023-4-3 WIMR-tour-2023-5-2 WIMR-tour-2023-4-2 WIMR-tour-2023-2-2 WIMR-tour-2023-1-2 WIMR-tour-2023-2-1 WIMR-tour-2023-4-1 WIMR-tour-2023-5-1 WIMR-tour-2023-1-1 WIMR tour 2023-1 WIMR tour 2023-3 WIMR tour 2023-2 WIMR tour 2023-5 WIMR tour 2023-4 PDMS_Member_Projects PDMS_Member_Projects