Gallery (TIP: Click on each image to see all the photographs for that item) Order by Default Title Date Filename Size Random WHAT GOES ON!!! Order by Default Title Date Filename Size Random Shed actvity--1 Shed actvity--2 Shed actvity--5 Shed actvity--6 Shed actvity--8 Shed actvity--9 Shed actvity--112 Shed actvity--13 Shed actvity--14 Shed actvity--15 Shed actvity--16 Shed actvity--18 Shed actvity--19 Shed actvity--20 Shed actvity--22 Shed actvity--23 Shed actvity--24 Shed actvity--25 Shed actvity--26 Shed actvity--27 Shed actvity--17 PDMS_Visitors_to_Shed Geoff LEE (MP Parramatta) Handover of PENS 2016 Pen Making Handover Pen Making Handover 2016 Amanda-Chadwick-PCC-1 Amanda-Chadwick-PCC-2 Amanda-Chadwick-PCC-3 Amanda-Chadwick-PCC-4 Senator Payne Visit Carbatec Carbatec Carbatec Carbatec Australian Hearing Minister Rowell-3 Minister Rowell-2 Minister Rowell Minister Rowell-1 Minsiter AJAKA 2016-2 Minsiter AJAKA 2016-1 Festool Demonstration-6 Festool Demonstration-2 PDMS_Street Library ART LIBRARY for Suba 1 ART LIBRARY for Suba 2 ART LIBRARY for Suba 5 Carabella street library Dundas Public School Street Library-1 Westmead Institute Medical Research WIMR-tour-2023-2-3 WIMR-tour-2023-1-3 WIMR-tour-2023-4-3 WIMR-tour-2023-5-2 WIMR-tour-2023-4-2 WIMR-tour-2023-2-2 WIMR-tour-2023-1-2 WIMR-tour-2023-2-1 WIMR-tour-2023-4-1 WIMR-tour-2023-5-1 WIMR-tour-2023-1-1 WIMR tour 2023-1 WIMR tour 2023-3 WIMR tour 2023-2 WIMR tour 2023-5 WIMR tour 2023-4 PDMS_Member_Projects PDMS_Member_Projects